Thursday, May 13, 2010

Five HRNM Docents Receive the Presidental "Call to Service" Award

Every year, the Hampton Roads Naval Museum organizes a dinner to recognize the valuable contributions of its volunteers. For the first time, the museum handed out the President's Volunteer Service Award to its volunteers. One of the awards is the President's Call to Service Award. This award is granted to a person who has given over 4,000 hours with the organization. Four docents received the award this year. Pictured at left and standing with the Captain Tom Smith, USN, Ret., director of the Hampton Roads Naval Historical Foundation, ( from left to right) are Hunt Lewis, "Doc" Shoop, John Peters, and Bob Webb.  The fifth recipient was our volunteer ship model builder Bob Comet, who is not pictured. We always are looking for new volunteers to serve in the museum in a variety of roles. Call Tom Dandes at 757-322-3106 or e-mail him at

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