Hampton Roads Naval Museum Educator
Prologue: Korea, 1952
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U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Donald Kirkpatrick poses for a photo during his time in the Korean War. Serving from October 1951 to July 1953, the Mansfield, Ohio native was drafted into the Army and received additional special training in heavy weapons, including with the M20 recoilless rifle. The younger brother of a Battle of the Bulge veteran, Kirkpatrick served until being recalled to the United States and honorably discharged in July 1953. An accomplished plumber and volunteer firefighter, Kirkpatrick never forgot his experiences in the Korean War. (Mansfield [Ohio] News Journal) |
Kirkpatrick realized that one of their heavy weapons, an M20 75-mm recoilless rifle, had allowed the North Korean artillery to zero in on their position as the powerful back blast kicked up dust plumes that could be seen from miles away. Kirkpatrick remembered, “It [the M20] was a direct-fire weapon and they [North Korean troops] could see where we were because of it [back blast]. Me and a couple of other sergeants, we came up with the idea of setting up an 82-millimeter mortar a ways back from the recoilless crew. When the North Koreans would fire on the recoilless, we’d start dropping mortars on them. The enemy couldn’t see us at all because we were down behind the rifle.” Turning a weakness of the M20 into strength, the men of the 23rd bombarded the North Korean artillery position with mortar fire, silencing the North Korean artillery, at least for another day. Kirkpatrick never forgot his experiences serving in the Korean War using the M20 recoilless rifle.
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An assortment of American arms, including bazookas, captured during the Korean War on display at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) in April 2010. The North Koreans' allies from the People's Republic of China studied and replicated such arms, which included American recoilless rifles, which ultimately found their way into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and were used by their armed forces as well as Viet Cong cadres operating in the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). (John Pavelka/ Flickr/ Wikimedia Commons) |
Vietnam: Recoilless Weapons Rebound
American and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) forces were fighting a much more unconventional type of war in Vietnam than in Korea, countering an insurgency. The operational challenges associated with this type of warfare were numerous and the Viet Cong (VC) were not going to make it easy. VC forces, outmatched by superior American and ARVN forces, employed ambush tactics against Army and Navy forces with whatever weapons they could get their hands on.
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Although easy to use, the Chinese Type 52/56 did require
training to use effectively. In this photo, Viet Cong recruits pose for a photo
with a Chinese Type 52 while being trained to use the weapon. Notice that the
Type 52 is angled for use as an indirect fire weapon, lobbing shells at a high trajectory (like a mortar)
to hit targets hundreds of yards away. The man 2nd from the
right is holding a shell for the weapon. (Australian War Memorial)
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Found among the photographs Army Staff Sgt. Ernest W. Payne of Charlotte, North Carolina, took during the Vietnam War is this captured recoilless rifle at an unidentified camp in South Vietnam. Although it bears a passing resemblance to the American M18 57-mm recoilless rifle, which was used during the Korean War, it is most likely a Chinese Type 65 82-mm smoothbore recoilless gun copied from the Soviet B10. (Ernest W. Payne Papers,VW 22, Vietnam War Papers, Military Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC) |
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An unidentified U.S. Army Soldier leans on a captured enemy recoilless rifle (Most likely a Chinese Type 65) from the photo collection of Staff Sgt. Ernest W. Payne, who served at Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Calvary, 1st Air Calvary Division from 1967 to 1968. (Ernest W. Payne Papers,VW 22, Vietnam War Papers, Military Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC) |
The first recoilless rifles were designed by German and Soviet weapon designers in the 1930s. In particular, the German Leichtgeschütz 40 proved to be particularly effective, with the 7.5 cm variant providing critical light infantry support to German paratroopers during the invasion of Crete. The German designs were loosely copied by American manufacturers and were adopted by the Army towards the end of World War II, including in the form of the M20 recoilless rifle. Firing a spin-stabilized 75-mm HEAT round, the M20 first saw widespread service during the Korean War as a light infantry anti-tank weapon. The M20 proved to be ineffective at penetrating the thick armor of Soviet built T-34 tanks but Army units adapted and utilized the light weight of the recoilless rifle as a portable infantry support weapon, using it effectively against enemy bunkers and artillery positions.
The United States quickly produced much more effective anti-tank weapons, such as the M40 recoilless rifle and the M72 LAW. Largely obsolete by the time of the Vietnam War, the M20 suited the uses of the Viet Cong well. While the M20 was ineffective at penetrating the thick armor of Soviet tanks, it was perfectly capable of taking on the unarmored fiberglass hulls of Navy river patrol boats (PBRs) on the rivers of South Vietnam. China produced unlicensed copies of the M20 in the form of the Chinese Type 52 after capturing M20s during the Korean War. Identical to the M20, Type 52 recoilless rifles were produced in their hundreds and sent down the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The Type 52 was extensively used by People's Army of Vietnam (North Vietnamese) and Viet Cong fighters during the Vietnam War. Its advantages were the same as the widely-used B-40 launcher; The Type 52 was light-weight, easy to transport, easy to use, versatile, and packed a powerful punch. With a range of up to 400 meters and a muzzle velocity of 300 meters per second, the Type 52 was more than capable of ambushing Navy riverine forces from the banks of rivers, canals, and waterways. Breech loaded and fired from a tripod, a trained crew of two to three guerrillas could quickly fire multiple shells at an enemy. The Type 52 could also be used in an indirect fire role, with a kilometer range when lobbing high-explosive shells at high arc of trajectory into American or ARVN bases. The Chinese Type 56, another M20 variant, improved on the original M20 design with the addition of a fin-stabilized warhead as opposed to a spin-stabilized one, adding to its armor piercing capability, accuracy, and range. The weakness of the Type 52/56 was the same that Kirkpatrick had observed; the powerful back blast of the weapon was highly visible, exposing the location of the weapon and its crew.
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The original record photograph of the 75-mm recoilless rifle round. (Naval History and Heritage Command Curator Branch) |
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